Guided tours from April to October

Some of the things we’ve done, or do on a regular basis:

  • Clearance of vegetation and redundant fencing to improve access and amenity in the vicinity of the Caves and Castle;
  • Removal of vegetation which obscured the boundary walls of the Castle;
  • Removal of litter and fire debris from the Caves and Castle;
  • Working with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and Fife Council, the erection of signage notifying visitors of the protected status of the caves and castle;
  • Working with Fife Council and the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, the introduction of new signage to develop a loop from the Coastal Path to Jonathan’s Cave;
  • In liaison with HES and working with Fife Council the clearance of vegetation from Macduff’s Castle and the repair of steps from the coastal path to Macduff’s Castle and to Castle Green;
  • Increased cooperation with local police for reporting and tackling of antisocial behaviour and vandalism;
  • Undergone graffiti removal training provided by HES and obtained permissions to allow us to respond immediately to graffiti attacks;

What we plan to do:

  • Control of vegetation as an ongoing seasonal task;
  • Regular litter picking which is essential to maintain the appearance amenity of the areas for which we care;
  • Continue to take remedial action is response to incidents of vandalism;
  • In conjunction with FCCT, we hope to add a new alternative section to the Fife Coastal Path which will take walkers to the Well Cave and Jonathan’s Cave;
  • Further clearance of the Castle courtyard.
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