Guided tours from April to October

Opening of the new path at the Wemyss Caves


Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society (SWACS) are delighted to announce that the new all-weather path, funded by Paths for All and designed to allow users of wheelchairs and mobility scooters access to Court Cave, has now been officially opened.

Members of Forth and Tay Disabled Ramblers came along last Sunday to help celebrate the occasion and try out the path. SWACS gave them all a special guided tour, taking in Court Cave and Doo Cave.

In Court Cave they were able to see many of the intriguing Pictish carvings which make this site so famous. And Doo Cave is one of extremely few caves in the whole of the UK that was adapted to be used as a dovecote by the carving of nesting boxes into its walls. It is just a little way along the coastal path from Court Cave and although there was no suitable way of taking the group right inside, nevertheless the wide entrance enabled everybody to see into it very easily while the guide explained its history.

Levenmouth Area Convener, Cllr Ken Caldwell, a long-time member and supporter of SWACS, said: “The Wemyss Caves are an important local and national asset. It is important that access is available to everybody who wants to visit and the provision of this path will make that more a reality. Well done to all involved!”

These two caves – Court Cave and Doo Cave – make up the content of a new tour to be offered to the public for the first time when the new season starts in April. It will be aimed at users of wheelchairs and mobility scooters along with other people who are on foot but not wishing to climb all the steps or face the rougher terrain on the longer tour. The new tour will be run alongside the regular version which explores more of the site. The tours will all be bookable via the SWACS website.

And don’t forget, there is still a way for those on the shorter tour to experience the rest of the site’s features. They can go online and try out the virtual tour which is available via the Wemyss Caves 4D website.