Guided tours from April to October

Test Run of New RTI Equipment Made in Court Cave

A grant from Awards For All Scotland has enabled us to buy our own photographic equipment, the main aim being to capture all the carvings in the caves using the RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) technique.  We made an outing to Court Cave– in the company of our friends from SCAPE –for purposes of a test run with all our new equipment.  It was certainly a process of trial and error but we learnt a great deal from it and are now in a position to bring volunteers into this work.

So if you think you might like to help out – if you have some time to spare and are able to get to the caves – please do get in touch.  You may have an interest in history or archaeology or you may just want to learn about this powerful photographic technique. We would welcome people of all ages, though minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.  Also, please note, there is walking involved, climbing steps and crossing uneven terrain, so you’ll need sensible shoes and appropriate clothing.  We will be working with small groups of people, providing full training in the method used, and we can be flexible about timing and day of week. We expect to continue this work over a period of months, and eventually will be able to present the results online so that everyone can study these precious carvings in incredible detail.  We are enormously grateful to Awards For All Scotland for supporting this project.