Guided tours from April to October


This year’s AGM will be on Monday 26th June at 7pm in the Senior Citizens Centre, Main Road, East Wemyss, KY1 4RQ.

If you are a member, you can collect your membership card at the meeting. If you would like to join, or re-join, you can also do so.

It’s been an extremely busy year for SWACS, and we have lots of exciting plans for the future. We held a very successful conference in October and have just launched our new website containing all the history of the caves. Final agreement was also reached on a medium to long-term management plan which we hope will preserve the caves for future generations.

You are all cordially invited to come along and meet the other SWACS members and supporters and hear all about these and other activities. All are welcome, although only members will be allowed to vote.

The agenda can be downloaded here.