Guided tours from April to October

Special Open Day at the Wemyss Caves

We have digital archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust at the Wemyss Caves from Monday, 9 March, to Friday, 20 March, inclusive. They’re here to complete the data collection for the Visualization Project. The pilot project was carried out in Jonathan’s Cave in November 2013 resulting in the Wemyss Caves 4D website ( which was highly commended at the British Archaeology Awards last year. It’s now being rolled out to the rest of the caves. It involves the use of laser scanning and special photographic techniques in order to capture the contours of the caves and the detail of the ancient carvings.

Our special Open Day will give visitors the opportunity to join a cave tour on which they will see the specialists at work and have the opportunity to speak to them. There may also be a chance to look at some of the first results from this phase of the work. So come along and find out what’s going on…

2-5pm, Sunday, 15 March, 2015

Senior Citizens Centre, East Wemyss