Guided tours from April to October

2018 tours up and running

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to volunteer or take a tour last Sunday. We gave tours to over 60 people during the afternoon, from those who have lived in the village all their lives to international visitors.

We also hosted this group of students from St Andrews University, shown here learning more about Macduff’s Castle – newly cleared of a huge amount of vegetation by our volunteers.

With grass cutting on Castle Green also carried out by Fife Council, and both sets of steps benefitting from refurbishment by the council and Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, the site looked really good.

We also launched our visitor survey, which is designed to know more about who visits the caves, why they come here, and what they think of the experience. We’ve already had some very useful feedback and will keep the surveys running all summer.

The landscape maintenance and survey are all part of our long-term aim to establish the caves as a place that people want to visit, and can do so safely with good facilities when they get here. Why not give us a hand?