Guided tours from April to October

Visitor Centre move complete

The rain did its best to stop us, but on Saturday we successfully moved all our collections, displays and archives into our new Visitor Centre at the Terras Hall.

Volunteers have been hard at work for months safely packing everything for the move from the basement of East Wemyss Primary School. Meanwhile, in the new Visitor Centre we have carried out repairs and made safety improvements, installed a permanent partition, rewired much of the building, cleared back all the vegetation on the site and installed security alarms and lights.

The old guide hall now provides us with an office, display and merchandise areas, room for a virtual reality installation and a seated café. Where possible we have employed local traders and businesses, some of whom have generously donated their time and skills.

We’ll be spending the next few weeks preparing the exhibitions and putting the finishing touches to our new home before we open for the season on April 7th.

The Visitor Centre will open every Sunday afternoon between April and September from 1:30pm to 4pm. A guided tour to the caves will leave at 2:30pm.

"Are you sure all this is going to fit?"

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