Help protect the caves

Following the installation of the protective grilles this summer, we are gathering a team of volunteers to help lock and unlock the gates at Court  Cave and Jonathan's Cave.

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Grilles update

Things are now moving very quickly on site

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Protective grilles to be installed on site

Protective grilles will be installed at Jonathan’s and Court Caves this summer.

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We held our virtual AGM at the end of last month, which considered the annual report and elected our team of Directors to take us through 2022.

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Opening of the new path at the Wemyss Caves

The new all-weather path to allow users of wheelchairs and mobility scooters access to Court Cave has now been officially opened.

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East Wemyss Primary School Children visit to the SWACS Museum

The SWACS Museum recently welcomed pupils and staff from East Wemyss Primary School as part of a nationwide schools local heritage project.

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The School Wynd mural

The ceramic wall mural in School Wynd encapsulates the unique history and geology of an area so deeply influenced and shaped by the sea.

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Accessible path finished!

We have completed the construction of an all-weather path into Court Cave, funded by Paths for All.

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Can we hold back the waves at the Wemyss Caves?

See how collapsed sea walls no longer protect our ancient caves and their spectacular Pictish carvings in this 3-minute video by SCAPE.

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Well Cave open day

A steady stream of visitors made the crawl inside the normally-closed Well Cave.

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